Compare The Silver Chair CD by C. S. Lewis, Audio Book (CD) | Indigo Chapters
C. S. Lewis
Deep underground, a web of evil magic holds a prince in captivity. Narnia . . . where owls speak, where evil weaves a spell . . . where sorcery enslaves the land. Narnia is in peril, and only Eustace and Jill can help. Along with Puddleglum, a gloomy but valiant Marsh-wiggle, they are sent by the mighty lion Aslan to find Prince Rilian, heir to the throne. Their quest leads them past hungry people-eating Giants, and deep into the dark underground. But the true test for this noble band of friends comes when they face an evil witch and her deadly enchantments. | The Silver Chair CD by C. S. Lewis, Audio Book (CD) | Indigo Chapters