Compare The Complete Works Of Christopher Marlowe: Volume 2 Edward Ii Doctor Faustus The First Book Of Lucan Ovid's Elegies Hero And Leander
Fredson Bowers
A critical old-spelling edition of the complete works of Marlowe edited on the principles that Professor Bowers more than any other scholar has established. Through a choice of copy-texts that stand nearest in direct line to the lost manuscripts, the works are presented in as near the original form as can be recovered, in respect of spelling, punctuation, capitalisation and the actual words themselves. The edition contains a substantial critical apparatus in the form of textual introduction and notes, a historical collation and a list of emendations for each work, of both substantives and accidentals. | The Complete Works Of Christopher Marlowe: Volume 2 Edward Ii Doctor Faustus The First Book Of Lucan Ovid's Elegies Hero And Leander