Compare Modern Geothermal HVAC Engineering and Control Applications by Jay Egg, Hardcover | Indigo Chapters
Jay Egg
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Best practices for the design and engineering of geothermal HVAC systemsWith a focus on market needs and customer goals, this practical guide explains how to realize the full potential of geothermal HVAC by integrating hydronic systems and controls at maximum capacity. Modern Geothermal HVAC: Engineering and Control Applications explains how to engineer and specify geothermal HVAC for building projects in varying geographic regions. Typical details on control parameters are provided. By using the proven methods in this innovative resource, you will be able to develop highly efficient, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing geothermal HVAC systems. Coverage includes:Low-temperature geothermal or earth couplingGeothermal heat-pump equipmentVariations in earth couplingApplication of earth coupling with regard to site conditionsClosed-loop earth coupling and fusionIntermediate heat exchanger usage in geothermal applicationsStanding column and open geothermal systemsFundamentals of comfort, psychrometrics, and thermodynamicsHydronic and air HVAC system basicsHydronic HVAC system equipmentVariations and improvements to hydronic systemsControl systemsLoad sharing and energy recoveryCalculating system efficiencies, heat gain, and lossGeothermal rebates, incentives, and renewables legislation | Modern Geothermal HVAC Engineering and Control Applications by Jay Egg, Hardcover | Indigo Chapters