Compare Essentials Of Coating Painting And Lining For The Oil Gas And Petrochemical Industries by Alireza Bahadori, Hardcover | Indigo Chapters
Alireza Bahadori
With the oil and gas industry facing new challenges deeper offshore installations, more unconventional oil and gas transporting through pipelines, and refinery equipment processing these opportunity feedstocks-new corrosion challenges are appearing, and the oil and gas industry's infrastructure is only as good as the quality of protection provided and maintained. Essentials of Coating, Painting, and Linings for the Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Industriesis the first guide of its kind to directly deliver the necessary information to prevent and control corrosion for the components on the offshore rig, pipelines underground and petrochemical equipment. Written as a companion toCathodic Corrosion Protection Systems, this must-have training tool supplies the oil and gas engineer, inspector and manager with the full picture of corrosion prevention methods specifically catered for oil and gas services. Packed with real world case studies, critical qualifications, inspection criteria, suggested procedure tests, and application methods, Essentials of Coating, Painting, and Linings for the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industriesis a required straightforward reference for any oil and gas engineer and manager. Understand how to select, prime and apply the right coating system for various oil and gas equipment and pipelines both upstream and downstreamTrain personnel with listed requirements, evaluation material and preparation guides, including important environmental compliance considerationsImprove the quality of your equipment, refinery and pipeline with information on repair and rejection principles | Essentials Of Coating Painting And Lining For The Oil Gas And Petrochemical Industries by Alireza Bahadori, Hardcover | Indigo Chapters