Compare An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation by Bharat Kumar, Hardcover | Indigo Chapters
Bharat Kumar
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. THE CORNERSTONE OF ANY AVIATION LIBRARYMore than a dictionary - though it certainly offers all a dictionary can - this magnificent illustrated reference work will be the centerpiece and foundation of many aviation collections. Seven years in the making, the carefully wrought handiwork of a military air leader and a dedicated writer, Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation is virtually a visual mini-encyclopedia of aviation and all its aspects. ENCOMPASSING ALL OF AVIATIONSpanning general aviation, commercial airline operations, the military sector, and far more - airports to meteorology, avionics, aviation medicine, and beyond - this thoroughly browsable Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation is as much learning tool as dictionary and an almost bottomless source of information and diversion. It is a treasure that anyone involved in or interested in aviation will be thrilled to own. Inside: Aviation, A-to-ZFind definitions covering all these areas, and more:Aerial PhotographyAerodynamicsAircraftAircraft OperationsAirmanshipAirportsAir Traffic ControlAstronavigationAviation MedicineAvionicsCivil AviationCommercial AviationEngineeringEquipmentGeneral AviationGPSNavigationMeteorologyMilitary AviationSkydiving and Parachuting Much more | An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation by Bharat Kumar, Hardcover | Indigo Chapters